Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Cute Sleepwear Sets

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Do any of you feel so much more put together when you are wearing a matching pajama set? I know I do! I definitely don't always end up in matching pajamas - I'm usually in leggings and a t-shirt. There is just something so nice about putting on a matching pajama set that really makes an evening extra special. I've linked 6 super cute pajama sets from ASOS above - most of them are available in all of the lines ASOS carries, including petite, maternity, and plus size! 

I think my favorite of the 6 above is the Power Couple set because avocados and eggs are a perfect match and I love breakfast foods!

Which set is your favorite?


  1. I love the breakfast club set! I've been wanting a cute set with a tee shirt and shorts for spring/summer.

  2. ASOS has the cutest pajamas - I love the avocado ones!

    xo, brooke
